Consent Team Roles
Consent Team Co-Lead:
Co-leads serve as liaisons between the consent team, the MOrg, and other departments. Co-leads organize and manage the functions of the consent team. They serve as peers on both branches of the team.
2-3 year commitment
Vetted by the community
Year-round responsibilities participating on both the Response and Education branches of the Consent Team
Must meet the qualifications for both branches
Attend Winter and Summer MOrg retreat and monthly MOrg Meetings
Response Team:
Response Team members will participate in off-site meetings throughout the year and active on-site community liaison roles. Response Team members are vetted by the community before joining the team and must be able to handle confidential information responsibly. Off-site meetings may involve education, contacting those involved in consent reports, and debriefing fellow team members. Two shifts are required on-site to ensure a member of the Response Team is always on-call.
Year-round responsibilities
2 year minimum commitment
Vetted by community
On-site radio coverage during Mosaic Experiment
Two shifts required. Sleeping permitted if you are confident the radio will wake you.
Annual retreat in location central to current team members
Taking Advocate or Advisor roles as appropriate with reported Consent Incidents
Conference calls as needed, no more than monthly
Time and date determined based on current team member schedules
Respond to the initial report
Work with fellow Advocate to schedule an interview with RP and, if RP consents, the RA
Prepare summary report for the rest of the Team
Collaborate with the Advisors and facilitate the rest of the Consent Team process
Complete summary report/documentation
Consider the information provided by the Advocates to determine next steps and support the process
Education Auxiliary:
The Education Auxiliary will learn the consent reporting processes in place and instruct other participants on how to take advantage of those processes. In addition, auxiliary members maintain their own consent knowledge, either through personal study or collaboration. The Education Auxiliary is in place to ensure the consent reporting procedures and other learning materials stay up-to-date and relevant to our dynamic community.
Education Team
Plan the logistics of the consent workshops at the event
Work with Greeters to enhance consent education at entrance
Signal boost consent-related posts on the Mosaic Facebook Group page by commenting
Post consent memes to the Mosaic Facebook Group page
Help publicize the consent workshop before and during the event
Assist with outreach to the Consent Liaisons at each theme camp
Distribute consent literature and swag at events
Annual retreat in location central to current team members
Meetings as needed
*Note: The Education Team does not handle or have access to consent reports. They may be informed of the general circumstances of reports with identifying information removed to create educational content focused on addressing consent issues in our community, but are not involved in the Response Process.