Mobility Motor Company

Hey y'all! It's Ester, one of the LNT leads at Mosaic Experiment. We're working on putting together a mobility shuttle for the first time and I, like a dumb ass, volunteered to coordinate it. Very Kateri has agreed to co-lead this effort with me.

We're still at the very beginning and we'll be putting together protocols, press releases, contingency plans, schedules, and lists of all the things as they are developed. We want to build something that will last, so we welcome your engagement, experience and enthusiasm.

If you're willing to join forces with us on the project, let me know. I have a bunch of questions, and I assume some of you do too. Let's start the conversations in the comments!

If you want to volunteer to be a driver, signups and more details should be available in the next week or so.

Ester, ymffgm and Very Kateri