Mosaic Experiment 2024 Official Burn Ban Announcement

Dear Mosaic Experiment,

Despite the challenge of the current burn ban in effect in southeast Ohio, Mosaic Experiment will not be canceled. We see this as an opportunity for our community to demonstrate its resilience, creativity, and adaptability! 

Current Situation:

- A burn ban is currently in effect in Meigs County, Ohio where Mosaic Experiment takes place.

- Mosaic Experiment will not be canceled because of this, but we must comply with all state and local regulations.

- This situation is fluid and subject to change depending on the most current order from the State of Ohio Fire Marshal

- We will post updates as the ban changes. Please prepare for various scenarios

- Please do not contact authorities on our behalf

Current Restrictions apply anywhere on the Mosaic site (this includes tents, theme camps, art installations, but doesn't include RV's and vehicles)

1. No open flames of any kind are permitted. Repeat violators must be ejected from the event or we will risk losing both our insurance and the ability to burn again at Reclaim.

This includes:

   - Our effigy

   - Campfires (both wood and propane)

   - Burn barrels

   - Charcoal grills

   - Flame effects for exhibition 

2. Propane cooking stoves are permitted, with the following conditions:

   - Fire extinguishers and ample water must be readily accessible.

   - No flammable materials within 5 feet of the stove.

   - Proper oversight and safety measures in place.

3. Propane buddy (catalytic, with tip sensor) heaters are permitted

4. Cigarette smoking is permitted, but:

   - Do not put out or smolder cigarettes on grass or any flammable surface.

   - This applies to matches used to light cigarettes as well.

   - Properly dispose of all smoking materials.

Potential Changes, Safety, and Preparation:

- At any time, the ban could become more strict or be lifted.

- Attendees are strongly encouraged to prepare alternatives for cooking and heating in case of stricter regulations.

- Consider options like electric cooking appliances, solar ovens, community kitchens, or sous vide methods.

- Bring: Fire blankets, garden spray tanks, extinguishers, CO detectors, electric appliances.

We encourage our community to rise to this challenge and demonstrate our ability to adapt while prioritizing safety and Civic Responsibility.