The Path We Forge Ahead: A Statement on Inclusion

Given the recent attempted insurrection at the Capitol, we, the organizers of Mosaic Experiment, feel it is part of our Civic Responsibility to take a stance and speak out against the actions of those involved.

This was an attack not only upon the elected officials, staffers, interns, and government employees but also an attack upon the democratic process that forms the foundation of our society. This violence was both abhorrent and inexcusable.

It has come to our attention that an individual, photographed wearing a symbol from another Burning Man Regional Network event, was arrested on multiple weapons charges in Washington D.C. the day before the attack occurred. Whether they intended to use these weapons the following day is irrelevant. What is relevant is that this reflects poorly upon the burn community as a whole and undermines our principles at their very core.

Given these events, we reaffirm our stance on the very first principle, Radical Inclusion, which states: Anyone may be a part of Mosaic Experiment. We welcome and respect the stranger. No prerequisites exist for participation in our community.

Being a part of this community means that all of us welcome and respect one another. While no prerequisites exist for your participation, once you come Home it’s expected that you genuinely embrace the respect for others as it has been extended to you. When you pack out, we hope that your experience has impacted you in a way that allows you to carry this respect into your default world.

We need to give each other the space to grow, to be ourselves, to exercise our diversity. We need to give each other space so that we may both give and receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy, healing, and inclusion
— Max De Pree

Radical Inclusion does not mean we will accept actions, words, or beliefs that are rooted in violence, hatred, or discrimination of any kind.

If you will not welcome, respect and celebrate the diversity that brings us together as a community, then you are not embracing the principle of Radical Inclusion. If you are advocating for discrimination and violence, beliefs of superiority, or casting wanton judgement and exclusion against others, then you are not cultivating the environment that we are striving to provide for everyone. We as a community, as part of our Civic Responsibility, do not tolerate and will not welcome that.

In these times of social upheaval, we are given the opportunity to step outside our boxes. This allows us to examine who we are as human beings and who we strive to be. We have the choice to allow our fears to control us or to embrace compassion and grow as a society. We have seen the damage that fear and intolerance can do, and we choose not to let this define us.

Mosaic Experiment looks forward to welcoming anyone with the courage to practice this Radical Inclusion to burn with us.

Who's Ready To Burn? Mosaic Experiment Begins!

This world hasn't offered us much opportunity to gather and burn in 2020. We decided to do something about that and created plans to try something we've never done before; a virtual burn. We've talked about it with you, we've worked diligently and we've built things we hope you'll enjoy. Now it's time to gather in a new way!

As your calendar will tell you, your wait is over. Our gate is open, our burn is underway, tickets are free and all that's missing is you, your friends, your campmates and your creativity. Whether you want to simply attend or build your own experience to share, we want your participation and radical self-expression as we burn and create new experiences over the next four days. Here are the four links you need to get started...

Gate's open! Come in and find your burners, old and new:

Our burn map is live to explore (Welcome to Reclaim!):

Catch the latest in our WWW (WhatWhenWhere) guide which will be updated continuously:

Whether it's a camp, an event, music, art, conclave, effigy or something unexpected, tell us what you have planned:

Join us, explore our burn and let's see what we can create over the next few days. We may have been forced to evolve this year, but we will still find our own way to burn and have a good time doing it. It is time to step "Through The Looking Glass" and explore like never before!

What Are They Building In There?

We are roughly a month away from our virtual burn, so it is time for us to begin unveiling our plans. Whether you want to simply attend or build your own experience to share, we want your participation and radical self-expression as we burn in a new way October 1st-4th.

What are we planning? We are building a 2020 burn landing page which will take the form of a map of Reclaim with theme camps and experiences linked directly into it. We will utilize Discord for our main Mosaic hub for hanging out, but those of you creating spaces within the wider Experiment can share through any interface that best fits the experience you have planned. We’ll simply tie you into our map and detail what you are sharing to our broader community! 

We want to include art, music, interactivity, community, creativity, an inclusive environment and just about anything you can dream into virtual reality. That said, we are working on building a conclave for you to enjoy. We are hoping to share an effigy burn (be it small or large) so stay tuned. In the end, we are working to match the spirit of the burn if not the actual physicality which means we are looking to the community to join us as we build (just like we do each year in person).

To that end, we invite the more tech minded burners to join us next Tuesday evening (August 8th, 8 PM EST) for a zoom call where we will work with you to create interesting things and brain share our way to gate opening and welcoming you home.


Register To Be Part Of Mosaic Experiment

Want to be part of the Mosaic side of the Looking Glass experiment we’re building? You can now register your virtual theme camp, art installation, project or event. Follow the link, fill out the form and hit us up with any questions!



Through The Looking Glass Virtual Art Fund Drive

Let's talk ART!

Our story is simple. We're working to raise funding to support artists who wish to contribute to our "Through The Looking Glass" virtual gathering taking place October 1st to 4th, 2020.

To help facilitate this effort, we've opened up a small GoFundMe campaign (targeting around $600) to raise money which we will quickly turn right back around to our creative community.

Please consider chipping in a few dollars. Money raised here will go directly to artists to help them create magical things for everyone to enjoy this October and tomorrow morning we will share a link which all you wonderfully creative burners can use to apply for these art grants.



Black Lives Matter

We, the leaders of Mosaic Experiment (the MOrg), made a mistake weeks ago: we did not immediately express our strong stance as an anti-racist community. We recognize that no single statement could address every aspect of how systemic racism intersects our community. We understand that poor leadership regarding race can lead to real and lasting harm. That said, our community must unlearn racism - together. 

We categorically refuse to tolerate any presence of racism in any of our communities. Racism directly harms the ability of Black burners to engage in radical self-expression, participation, communal effort and immediacy. By improving the experience that Black and other burners of color have at our events, we improve the experience for all of us. Freedom to participate with immediacy increases the creative, chaotic joy of burn magic.

In order to improve things, we start with establishing the present condition. Racism exists. Historically weaponized by white people to justify owning slaves and colonizing the globe, it is still leveraged today in order to preserve power. The toxicity of racism seeps into the inner workings of all our minds, hearts and bodies. Our position and lived experience impacts how this toxicity shows in our everyday lives. If we are white, we benefit from this legacy. If we are Black, we carry the scars of lynching, segregation, discrimination, and trauma in our souls. The wounding continues to this day. 

We must acknowledge that a community without racism is an alien phenomenon to those of us alive today. Currently, the members of the Mosaic community appear to be overwhelmingly white. As an all-volunteer organization, our leadership emerges from and reflects the wider community. 

We also want to emphasize the impact our mostly white community can create in prioritizing growth, learning, and dialogue around racism. Since white people created and sustained this oppressive system, we must take full responsibility for dismantling it, too. This responsibility means seeking to educate ourselves, humbly acknowledging when we make mistakes, and welcoming accountability from Black burners. 

Two years ago, our community declared the importance of safety at our event, and recognized the problem of sexual assault and harassment within our community. We responded by creating the Consent Team. Now, as we acknowledge the presence of racism, we must educate ourselves and hold each other accountable, just like we are doing with consent. We recognize that this will always be a work in progress, meaning continual growth and improvement over time.

We welcome increased diversity in the voices of the leadership team. However, we know the path to get there is not by singling out individual burners of color and expecting additional labor from them. There are always leadership positions available to members of our community, and we welcome any burner who desires to contribute to join us. We acknowledge that there are barriers to taking on leadership roles, and we are working to better understand and address them. 

As a first step, the MOrg will update the Code of Conduct to explicitly define microaggressions as harassment. As we review our existing practices and policies, we will examine our recruitment process for the MOrg. We will look for opportunities to elevate Black burners, such as reserving a portion of art grants specifically for BIPOC artists. We commit to continually educating ourselves on racism, and will provide educational opportunities for our community through the Consent Team, both at the burn and through engagement on social media. Additionally, various members of the MOrg are involved with initiatives to address diversity within the burner community. We will continue to improve Mosaic’s operations as we uncover ways to do so.

We enthusiastically ask for your participation in this process. Please bring forward ideas, concerns, problems and solutions, either in the comments below or anonymously on the contact page. It’s your burn - how would you like it to be? How will you welcome the Black community into Mosaic Experiment?



Great news, Experimenters! Given the upheaval during June for many of us, your friendly Mosaic Organizers have decided to extend the deadline for Large Art Grants and Effigy applications until Saturday, July 9 at 11:59 p.m. That means YOU HAVE MORE TIME to gather your ideas, team and get your applications in! 



2016 THEME: Submit your ideas!

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it:

SUGGEST A THEME for our next Experiment: September 29 to October 2, 2016.

In 2014 we mined the hive for its wisdom and secrets. Queen Beetch held court while burner bees swarmed Reclaim, pollinating the strip mine playa with weirdness, art, gifts, and a honeycomb-inspired effigy that went down in a blaze of glory. In 2015, we defied gravity together with Mothership Love, an effigy that spun us to new heights. WHAT WILL 2016 BRING?

Experimenters! ACTIVATE.

HYPOTHESIS: Mosaic 2016’s theme will be so mind-blowingly awesome you’ll hear pew pew pew sounds when anybody speaks it out loud.

ABSTRACT: Dig down deep, burn scientists! Submit a theme that inspires our community to create, connect, participate and explore. Include a description that makes your vision clear.

VARIABLE: The only limit is the farthest reach of your beautiful mind.

CONSTANT: Submissions accepted until WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16 at 11:59 pm.

METHOD: Submit your theme suggestion and description via this handy form:



2015 Placement Map & Descriptions


Mosaic Experiment: Defying Gravity 2015 Placement Map


ANTI-GRAVITY ELIXIRS Anti-­gravity elixirs aim to challenge the force of attraction by which our bodies fall toward the center of the Earth. The consumption of anti­-gravity potions are the gates of which to enter an alternate world of possible impossibilities. By creating possible impossibilities, we enable ourselves to lose touch with the physical laws of attraction that bind us to reality, and unhinge fantasies of weightless existence of which evoke transformative change.

DEFIANT PHOENIX “Defiant Phoenix” mixes Mosaic 2015’s “Defying Gravity” theme with the Big Burn’s “Man Effigy”. This installation is a family of wooden birds which will be set ablaze. Each reminds us to defiantly soar high above the challenges of life. Their cycle of "life from death" reflects our own experience from default world to burner community.

GALLERY OF THE FOUND Gallery of the Found is a interactive gifting gallery for art and writing. Found in a tiny alcove of trees, the Gallery is place to discover art, poetry, crafts and writing all gifted by our burner community. The Gallery will also feature the Altered Book Project, a creative way for you to make art and poetry at the burn. Find us among the trees... bring or make something to gift, and hang it in the gallery to be found anew. Please, don’t be shy - take a piece of Mosaic art home with you when you depart!

FLYING BADONKADONK MACHINE How does one describe a flying badonkadonk machine? It's mobile musical instrument that anyone can play (if they are tall enough); it’s mounted on wheels, so you never know where it might fly off to. You’ll know it when you see it. Play it! Interactive participation of this mobile musical art is encouraged!

MANIC DYSPHORIA A stately willow with an impossible garden stands beside a clouded sky. The central tree canopy sways fluidly as an unseen breeze imparts momentum to the sculpture; its lifelike actions captivating in their apparent simplicity. The tree has surprisingly chaotic behaviors while still being structurally strong and stable. Lights flow across the limbs and reflect off the cloudy sky. The garden is beautiful but seemingly cannot truly exist, just like people can still hold beauty in times of seemingly impossible hardship. This environment represents the chaos and the beauty in which the severely mentally ill and those close to them live.

REFLECTIONS Reflections is a wooden pergola with a rope suspended bed made of reclaimed wood. Like swinging on a swing set as a child, Reflections defies gravity by offering a feeling of weightlessness, happiness and flying while being safe for burner participants to hang out on and reflect. At night, the effect should be something similar to floating around in space, staring up at the stars.

TAKE MY HAND Take My Hand is a passive interactive piece that encourages spontaneous moments of slow dance. Imagine as you are on one of your walking adventures to check out what Mosaic is doing, with a person you are happy to have in that moment - ­ a friend, a lover, a parent/child/brother/sister, a new acquaintance, a crush, a recent stranger­ - and you frolic across a stand-alone space where you can sweep in and out of a dance at both of your wills. Maybe it makes you nervous, and maybe it gives you butterflies, maybe it feels like the most natural thing in the world... sway back and forth all night or until the end of the song.

Based on the artist’s fond memories of dancing with her father, Take My Hand recalls being spontaneously twirled around and sharing a dance, then letting it end as quickly as it came on with zero awkwardness. This project is being built in hopes to offer a platform to offer your hand to someone and be intimate with another human, the slow dance way.

TARDIS (BIGGER ON THE INSIDE) We'll be making a tardis out of plywood with mirrors (some of them carnival style) lining the interior walls and solar lighting from the edges. The idea is to create a multi-angled infinity mirror effect in which a person can view themselves in ways they were never previously capable. Perhaps even realizing like a Tardis, they too are bigger on the inside.

TEMPLE OF UNOBTAINABLE EXPECTATIONS The concept of the Temple of Unobtainable Expectations is simple, really. Expectations are all around us and in our daily life. We really do take for granted that things will always be the way they are now and they won’t be. Each moment in time is different than another. There is no going back, only forward. So, why not go forward with a new direction? The direction of healing. The Temple’s goal is to help transmute the energy of guilt of expectation into a loving remembrance of who we really are. When we free ourselves of expectation, we make room to express more love and joy. You are invited to interact with the Temple by writing on the outside, or leave unobtainable expectations within on the heart shaped papers provided. The Temple is located in Sacred Grove, and the artist will often be nearby and invites you to reach out to her if you need help letting go. The Temple of Unobtainable Expectations burns Sunday morning as the sun rises.


ASGAARD When you feel consumed by the fog of uncertainty, when you feel driven to break free from the oppressors, heed the summons of the heathen horn. This is the home for those who embrace the white frost, a haven for the fighting spirit, consecrated by hearts of fire and steel. Harken the battle cries of our warrior brethren, the strike of the anvil, the lightning crash. We welcome you to Asgaard, to answer the thundering call of the north.

People can come and hang out, listen to our music, dance. We will be playing mostly Nordic and European metal as well as some other music. People are encouraged to express all of the 10 principles, but especially radical self expression.

BIPOLAR DRAGONS The large art "Manic Dysphoria" is integral to the theme camp. It's expected that several people at once can be creating art of the dance through the movement of the chaotic willow limbs and playing with complex light patterns in the limbs via smart phones. All of these activities interact with each other. Cooperation tends to produce the most beautiful actions with the seeming chaos. The floating boulder is there specifically as an art play area for kids. A specific activity is drawing on the boulders with colored chalk. Hopefully this will foster the concept of being artistic without permanently marring outdoor beauty. More introspective interaction is writing/drawing/etc. on cloth that people can quickly glue to the tree trunk and roots. It is expected that there will be additional art to gift that helps carry the discourse about Bipolar Disorder beyond the limits of the Mosaic Experiment.

CAMP BLAST OFF! A place made up of people that love space and all space related things. BYOA: Bring your own alien and no MIB allowed.

CAMP BYE FELICIA! Camp Bye Felicia! is a camp with a unique attitude. We welcome the stranger as long as that stranger isn't a jerk. Anyone thought to be a jerk will get a very loud "Bye Felicia!" from us. We are a camp full of silly grumps. We will have odd and possibly bitchy art lying about. We are also offering an activity called Frankenfurries where you can sew together your own crazy creature out of various stuffed animal parts. We want to spread the message that even though we are at a burn, we don't have to put up with rude jerks. Our camp definitely abides by the Fuck Yer Day mentality!

CAMP CUDDLEFISH Camp Cuddlefish is an aquatic-themed cuddlespace. We also run workshops, usually including Good Touch Games, an experiment in consensual touch gamification that also just so happens to make people practice good consent culture.

CAMP GROWN-UP We are Camp Grown-Up, an art-centric group of cool people from Boston. We come all the way to Ohio to make sure hippies have the things they need to burn successfully - we practice radical over preparedness. We also have a sober adult person on premises all through the burn - so if you lose your shit we'll help you find it.

CAMP NEVER B IV - THE OFFICE An interactive office, play, and teaching area.

CAMP SNAKE OIL Camp Snake Oil will serve the finest in libations meant to give you the pep, vim, and vigor you need to promote health in the body and mind using the oldest and best science. No fancy double blind studies here folks! Just good old fashion know-how! So long story short, we're a bar, which promotes all kinds of interactivity in one way or another.

CAMP CLOUD CITY Camp Cloud City brings out the kid in you. Imagine walking through the clouds into a space filled with toys from your past. Imagine playing games from years past. Imagine drinking tea from toy tea cups. Imagine seeing the stars and moons scattered on the ceiling from your childhood bedroom. Here you can escape from the hustle and bustle of your busy camp life, and retreat into your inner child - free of pressures, filled with joy and innocence.

The camp also hosts several art installations, one of which is the recipient of the medium art grant. You can write a postcard to your future self. Drop it into our Cloud City mailbox, and we will keep it safe and mail it to your future you. What would you like to say to yourself? What wisdom would you like to impart? What would you like to remind yourself? It's all here - waiting for you.

On Friday for a couple of hours, kids are welcomed to the Cloud City to play games led by one of our camp members. On Saturday for a couple of hours, we will be serving an adult brunch where everyone is welcome to participate.

Camp Cloud City serves as a haven. A way to ease your burden and take a few minutes of your day to let the kid in you play again.

DEITY CAMP Come to Deity Camp and become a God or Goddess (your choice), complete with immortality ceremony, sacred geometry creation, and a pantheon sound altar that will burn after the effigy. We have some amazing never before heard electronic based sets ready to go with both high and low energy times happening. Come gather and worship around the fire alter, feel or dance at the sound alter, or join in on some cuddle opportunities, and don’t forget to say high to Z(i)us: God of the gods, God of sound, and God of cuddles.

FIRST FIRES First Fires invites you to take a step back in time and a step into coziness. Here we celebrate the first fires of our civilizations that drew people together for warmth, comfort, companionship, and expression. We invite you to relax in our cave dwelling, and leave your mark on our time together by adding to the murals inside. Stop by any time, or join us for one of our events, including a Wild Things Tea Party, Open Mic, and Beginner Fire Spinner Workshops.

FIX YOUR SHIT Fix Your Shit started as advice, turned into a philosophy and now it has evolved into a theme camp. We provided shit-fixing supplies, including sewing kits, basic first aid, things to keep you warm, and more. Need something fixed? Come see us, we’ll do our best to help! Camp FYS is also radically inclusive as our members are involved in a variety of activities, many of which are counter culture. We attend burns, pagan festivals, kink parties and are open to any and all people regardless of gender, orientation, marital status, and blood donor type. We are poly and kink friendly. Several of our members also love to hand drum and that draws in many visitors and people looking to get away from the EDM. We will have many drums with us to loan people and several people with large mouths to draw people in.

FROSTED KRAKEN COOKIES Our flavor engineers have crossed the Indus River and climbed the highest peaks of the Himalayas to fetch the sacred milk of the finest Nepalese cows. We’ve traversed across China in search of the holiest of holy grains. We’ve sought out the oldest of Irish druids in search of divine swine. We solicited the help of the righteous brotherhood of the Canadian Maple. We even had some dolphin bits left over from our last endeavor. Look for our Cookieketeers making the rounds passing out our most sacrilegious treat yet.

HELPING HANDS SUCCORS We are a camp offering a place to stay for new burners, who would like to already have connections before experiencing this wonderful life changing event called burning. We are here to offer help, guidance, answer questions and ensure the newest members of our community have a better burn experience. We also will offer a gifting tree or loan hub where people can register extra supplies they bring, hoping to gift or loan to those who have forgot, lost, broke, ran out of, or didn't plan on bringing. We all need a little help from time to time, and even the most seasoned burners can run into a snag while at an event. There is no shame here. No sparkle ponies, just inexperienced or uneducated future friends.

LAST CAMP With an iron-clad pack-all-the-muck back out plan we intend on setting up a hookah bar for ages 18+. We will have 4 hookahs, wind covers for the bowls for safety, and a variety of flavors for everyone to try. Will have a pillow pile for sitting out to look at the stars or discuss all the things. We want to provide a relaxing place in a quieter area for folks to gather and talk or take a breather.

MOTHERSHIP LOVE Mothership Love Command Center. Welcome Humans! We are honored by your open arms and profuse usage of this H2O substance you keep drinking. How weird. Come hang out and say hi to the Crew and come visit with the Mothership! Make sure to stop by on Burnday afternoon. Our crewmembers have fallen in love with this… grilled cheese concoction you humans eat. We will have plenty of these grilled lactose slices for you all. Don’t believe their lies!

NOTACAMP We'll bring our big metal dome back this year filled with electronics, blinky lights and tons of fun stuff to do! Live music and DJs will be playing in the dome throughout the event. Want to play your own stuff or jam, then stop on by! We're also bringing back Mosaic Radio, 88.5 FM, so bring your FM radio to tune into what's going on in the dome. We also accept submissions for radio programming, so submit something!

PIONEER Much like it was in 2014. We're going to have a book swap (leave a book take a book) under our -better built- front porch. We're also planning on having olde fashioned checkers set up for folks to take a siesta and relax ye olde pioneer style. On one of the nights we're going to have corn on the cob. The following day we're going to teach people what some uses pioneers had for cobs. Other than wiping their butts - making checkers, scrub brushes and other stuff Peppers brain contains.

PRIORITY5 Our vision is to create a space to demonstrate our camps incredibly varied skillset to the community as a whole. We plan on having a bar, to lure people in, and have a large scale sound system to keep them enraptured by our DJ roster. We have a number of fire spinners that will be performing their flow art, as well as hosting at least two events (a talk on cryptography and a bourbon tasting). As a whole, we focus on building strong social ties within the community by enabling unmediated experiences.

SACRED GROVE "The Place Where People Meet to Seek the Highest is Holy Ground."

Our vision for Sacred Grove at Mosaic is to intentionally and energetically interact with a designated space to create “the Sacred.” In a Blessing Ceremony, all are invited to imbue the space with the gift of our own sacred energy, gratitude for the sacred energies present in the space, and an interest in mutually awakening and expanding these energies together in the space. We will summon within ourselves: trust, acceptance, and openness to change and expansion.

Throughout the course of Mosaic, we will work and play in that sacred space, and offer it up to whomever would like to do the same. As Mosaic draws to a close, we will offer a Blessed Ceremony, to conclude our personal experience with the space, and also take it forward into the next chapters of our lives.

We promote radical inclusion by opening the space to all at any time. We also open the idea of what is “sacred” to be explored by all who enter the space with awareness of its intention. We promote radical self-expression by celebrating all forms of self-expression as sacred. We promote communal effort by supporting each contributor in manifesting their offering to the Sacred Grove. We promote participation in the space through both physical and energetic offerings that will be described in an intentional schedule posted at the entrance.

We promote immediacy by encouraging experience that drops participants’ energetic expression/ reception down from headspace into heartspace and root-creativespace. In the same vein, we encourage participants to fuse any intention that they carry together with openness to whatever is present – to fully and sacredly experience the beauty of the NOW experience.

THE SECRET GENTLEMEN’S CLUB The Secret Gentlemen's Club is an oasis of leisure and sophistication, a bulwark of civility against an increasingly savage world. Here a Burner can embrace their more cosmopolitan side, engaging with other like-minded individuals in an atmosphere of refinement and urbanity.

Whether enjoying liquid refreshments lovingly concocted by one of our expert cocktail craftsmen, playing one of our outsized lawn games, voicing their innermost thoughts through participatory art installations, testing their skills at classic arcade machines, or simply engaging other Secret Gentlemen (keeping in mind that ladies can be the most secret gentlemen of all) in scintillating conversation, Mosaic participants will find The SGC a most welcoming environment for expression, repose and intellectual edification.

Proper attire required (or will be provided).

SKRAMBLES**!* Born from confusion and tempered by mild incompetence. Home of the world famous "Now we dance! Now we fight!" Dance/Fight party (now with fewer stuffed animal related injuries!). Absolutely no eggs. All hail String.

SPIRIT ILLUMINATIONS We believe in creating a space where a person’s body, soul and spirit are free to connect to the Creator of the Universe. We provide a safe place where one can interact with the spirit through creative art, dream interpretation, readings, and healing.

SUMMER CAMP REJECTS PART DEUX Were you the outcast at summer camp when you were a kid? Now you can be the popular one! This camp is for all of us who were not accepted. We will have interactive projects such as coloring books, fabric paints, beading and LEGOS! We will be hosting a Lego Build Party on Saturday from noon to 3 PM. Dragoon DailyFlame, camp mascot and all around good Dragon will also be in attendance.

SYNCITYUM An Ann Arbor/Detroit based theme camp with bar, sound and whatever fire Ohio allows us to bring.

UNDER SEAGE Under Seage is collaborating once more with a bunch of wonderful people and camps to create Ocean Motion Village! With Art, Music and an interactive space for performance, spiritual expansion, TED talks and cuddle space, if you are not having fun, you're doing it wrong! So come play and learn.

WHITE RABBIT White Rabbit offers a safe, chill space to enjoy. We have gallery space to display art. Art supplies and paper to create art. Hookah. Quiet, and chill music, as well as an interactive art installation.

Many thanks to Lady D, our Placement lead, for her hard work coordinating our village.  Huge thanks to Lindsey Pepper of Pioneer camp for the gorgeous graphic design!

Questions? Email our placement department at placement[at]mosaicexperiment[dot]com.